
New Look and New vision.

Hey Everyone In 2010 I had this great vision of starting a blog to show case my artwork that I have done over the years from school artwork to random design. But some how this vision didn't happen.I think I did less than ten posts and forgot to continue posting. So while I been off work due to Covid 19, I have been thinking about starting up my blog again. This time I have a new vision about this blog.  I am going to write a post a least once week. The posts will range from what I've learnt about myself while being off work and what I have been doing while i've been off to keep myself busy. To flash backs of what I have been doing over the years. I may also do the odd book review of what I been reading. Also I may do a encouragement posts as well. Bye for now.

mad hatter

photo of one of my lastest artwork based on alice and wonderland

random designs

these are some of my random designs heart of dreams  flower of love   flowers of life   desire to dream 

childhood dream

When I was little the one thing I liked about art was making a lot of mess. Nothing much has changed I still like making a mess. One of my favourite things to draw with, when I was younger was crayons. So for this artwork I used oil pastel instead of crayons. But it still had the same effect if you use crayons. For this artwork I used a lot of colour, and then covered it in black. Then I slowly scratched at the black background to reveal the hidden colours, to create an image. the finished product

year 9 and 10 school artwork.

 here are my artwork that i did in year 9 and 10 art class.. i love them. year 9 or 10 i think   year 10  year 9

random artworks

shapes and rulers twist of life title page from one of my art pad i draw this sitting on palm beach on the gold coast. new zealand maroi inspired drawing speaks for it self random drawing

Isaiah 40:4-5

the versus At youth group one time, one of the leaders set out a challenge for everyone. They had set canvas all over the room with different memory versus next to them.   The one I chose was Isaiah 40:4-5 This reads: “Every valley shall be raised, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged place a plain. And the glory of the lord will be revealed and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” This versus made me see a person standing on the top of a mountain looking out to see a beautiful valley. With birds flying pass and the summer breeze blowing pass the person on the mountain and the sun shining over everything . drawing  painting