Hey Everyone In 2010 I had this great vision of starting a blog to show case my artwork that I have done over the years from school artwork to random design. But some how this vision didn't happen.I think I did less than ten posts and forgot to continue posting. So while I been off work due to Covid 19, I have been thinking about starting up my blog again. This time I have a new vision about this blog. I am going to write a post a least once week. The posts will range from what I've learnt about myself while being off work and what I have been doing while i've been off to keep myself busy. To flash backs of what I have been doing over the years. I may also do the odd book review of what I been reading. Also I may do a encouragement posts as well. Bye for now.
the versus At youth group one time, one of the leaders set out a challenge for everyone. They had set canvas all over the room with different memory versus next to them. The one I chose was Isaiah 40:4-5 This reads: “Every valley shall be raised, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged place a plain. And the glory of the lord will be revealed and all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” This versus made me see a person standing on the top of a mountain looking out to see a beautiful valley. With birds flying pass and the summer breeze blowing pass the person on the mountain and the sun shining over everything . drawing painting
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